Each year, Building Families for Children engages churches and individuals to participate in collecting and donating school supplies.  We deliver these much-needed supplies to kids and families we are serving as well as to partnering churches and non-profits who are reaching out to families in their communities.  We were able to see that 380 children were smiling, with the supplies they needed to get off to a good start on their way into the school building last year.

Will you help us this year?  Support for this project comes from churches, individuals, and businesses that want to help in one of these ways:

DONATE SUPPLIES.  Please consider sponsoring a “Pack A Backpack” collection at your church or in your community to support the kids in the following programs:  Safe Families for Children, Transitional Housing Program, CHOSEN Foster Care Program, or Open Table. Click here to download the flyer!

DONATE MONETARILY.   Every dollar we raise provides direct support to children and families in need.  Our hope is to help children as they return to school, AND to help their families as they work on short and long-term goals involving housing, employment, financial planning, and spiritual well-being.  Please make an online donation or mail a check payable to Building Families for Children, and note that it is for “Good Samaritan Network.” Thank you!

DONATE YOUR TIME.  Please consider joining our volunteer team to provide support to families in need.  Volunteer opportunities include:  becoming an Open Table team mentor; supporting a family in our transitional home or our Safe Families program; providing transportation; and, helping with administrative and organizational tasks in the office.

Have a wonderful summer!

By: Debbie Marini; Executive Director