By Debbie Marini

You may have seen the recent article in BaptistLife, the newspaper of the Baptist Convention of Maryland / Delaware, regarding the BFCS Trustees’ request for a “change in status as an Agency of BCM/D to an independent, faith-based nonprofit with its own 501(c)(3) status.” As we expand beyond denominational lines, it is important for our donors, volunteers, service providers, and other stakeholders to know that this transition would provide a context in which our agency, local churches, and ecumenical associations engage cooperatively in addressing the challenges of today’s family. And while all organizations change incrementally over time — adapting to the environment in which they operate — much of our work would remain the same. The focus would remain: family stability with continued services offered through the Good Samaritan Network including Safe Families for Children; and CHOSEN Treatment Foster Care. We would remain a Christian nonprofit organization, true to its founding principles. We would continue to honor our history as a Baptist entity with a defined Baptist heritage. The Board of Trustees would continue to be made up of a majority from Baptist churches and the Executive Director would continue to be a professing Christian with a strong faith commitment. BFCS would continue a commitment to and a strong working relationship with BCM/D and its member churches. So, “What would change?” Here are a few things that are anticipated to change: Nomination and election of BFCS trustees would cease to be a BCM/D function, but would be an internal process. BFCS would develop a more ecumenical approach to ministry by expanding services to and through evangelical churches. In order to apply for an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, a change in name is required. Our new name would be: Building Families for Children (BFC)…serving out of love, faith & community. Please pray along with us that, as “we expand services and move forward under God’s direction, the arms of Jesus will continue to touch lives and reach souls in distress.”