
Getting Ahead Program

Getting through difficult times in our lives requires faith and resiliency. Finding herself in need of a place to live for her and her daughter was one of those difficult times for Susan. Since entering our transitional housing program, she has exhibited both faith...

Recommended Books for Healing

Youth entering foster care experience TRAUMA. The Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) frame the concept of trauma around three “E’s”: event(s), experience of the event, and effect. The experience of trauma has lasting adverse...

Pack A Backpack

Each year, Building Families for Children engages churches and individuals to participate in collecting and donating school supplies.  We deliver these much-needed supplies to kids and families we are serving as well as to partnering churches and non-profits who are...

Spring is Here!

I pray you had a blessed Easter!  Whew!  So glad to see this winter come to a close and so ready for spring and all of the outdoor beauty and fun it brings.  Building Families has a little fun of our own planned this spring!  We are celebrating sacrificial,...

Mother in Transitional House

Here is an excerpt from a letter written by the mother whose family recently moved out of our Transitional House… “I wanted to thank you for all your help over the years, my family has grown in many ways thanks to you, the kindness you have shown us over the...

Support the Agape Campaign

Because every mother should be able to care for her child and every child should be cared for by a mother. We are pleased to announce the Building Families for Children “Agape Campaign” to those who support our mission. Every year, we invite churches and individuals...