CHOSEN Youth Receives Achievement Award

If you do an online search for the definition of the word Achievement, the results include “a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill.” That certainly describes Angela O., who received a MARFY Youth Achievement Award this month at...

Slowing Down the Snowball Effect

By Debbie Marini In her report to the Board of Trustees, Kate Macdonald, Clinical Coordinator of our Good Samaritan Network, recently described the “gift” of a Transitional Home as one that “slows down the snowball effect” that often happens in...

Relational-Transformational Ministry

By Debbie Marini “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10 As I think about the programs here at BFCS and our hope to see our relational and transformational ministries grow, I am drawn to the Bible story of Jesus calling Zacchaeus...

A Tribute to Lela Francis

As a child who found love in her very own adoptive family, in 2001 Lela Francis decided to pay it forward! This is when she opened her home as a CHOSEN foster parent with Baptist Family and Children’s Services. In describing her adoptive family, Lela stated,...

What is Normal

By Debbie Marini What is normal? No matter the state of our relationships, our possessions, or our wellbeing—everything seems normal. And yet, every now and then, an unexpected teachable moment occurs and we gain someone else’s perspective on our situation and...