
Building Families for Children is working with Casey Family Programs, as well as other non-profit, faith-based, and child-serving agencies, on a community building initiative in Patterson Park. This “Community Of Hope” initiative will replicate the work of other sites around the country providing community-based, family stability services.  Yet, what makes it unique is that the community of Patterson Park is informing the final organization of this initiative and its families.  Our main objectives are:

1. To mobilize and engage the community in creating a safe environment where kids and youth have opportunities to grow up healthy and succeed.

2. To help the Patterson Park community to be a place where families thrive.

3. To support innovative programs that prevent abuse of children.

It was a very humbling experience to attend our first community gathering at Gallery Church, which is now worshiping at the old Patterson Park Baptist Church— a strong partner with our agency when operating as Baptist Family & Children’s Services.  Many years ago, I facilitated parenting classes there and others on our staff offered vital family support and church store support at Christmas and Back to School.  Even after all these years, with different names and some new faces, the faith community and Building Families collaborates to bring hope and healing.

Please pray that this initiative and our partnerships make a huge impact in Patterson Park!

Click here to Learn More!

By: Debbie Marini; Executive Director