by Debbie Marini; Executive Director

Back in September, our Good Samaritan Network team got together to discuss the holidays.  With a focus on offering material support to those engaged with our services in order to grow our relationship-based ministry work, and a successful Back-to-School experience, the team developed the “Holiday Connect Campaign.”  Our Public Relations Assistant, Catherine Fields, did what she does best and translated this into a wonderful piece on our website and in other outreach materials.  The opportunities to “connect” have been amazing since this concept was initiated.  Here are just a few examples:

For overall support, we have had opportunities to present to new as well as longtime, support churches.  We got to share our work with federal employees who give to the United Way Combined Federal Campaign. And two church groups took on the role of encourager as one wrote letters to be shared with moms in our Safe Families program and another made 80 “welcome bags” for children entering our foster or safe host homes.

The holiday support has also been tremendous.  With many families receiving Thanksgiving meals from churches.  A large federal agency has sponsored a family in one of our Transitional homes and many more churches have collected gifts to give to those we serve and to those at a distance involved in outreach.  And last but not least, our family holiday party received a “sweets table” filled with cake, candies and cookies from the KRIS Foundation whose mission is to positively impact the lives of children – both the disadvantaged and the advantaged.

What a testimony to the power of connections!  I believe there are many more to come as we hold strong to our mission and strategic direction of transforming and growing strong families in Christ’s name.  Thank you for your support.  Merry Christmas!