In October 2013, the Intake Coordinator of our CHOSEN program received a referral for a 13-year-old male (we’ll call him “Josh”) in need of immediate placement into Treatment Foster Care (TFC). His biological father had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and his biological mother was diagnosed with Lupus, resulting in frequent and extended hospitalizations. Given these stressors, and the lack of extended family, Josh became suicidal and attempted to harm himself. He was hospitalized and, during discharge planning, his parents recognized that they didn’t have the capacity to care for him. A placement was sough here at Building Families, and a TFC parent was identified within his school zone so that he would be able to maintain important relationships with teachers and friends. Upon admission to the home, it was realized that the TFC Parent was related to Josh’s mother’s best friend and that she was familiar with the biological father. The TFC parent and the extended family members welcomed Josh with open arms and a genuine commitment to caring for him and his parents.