By Debbie Marini

What is normal? No matter the state of our relationships, our possessions, or our wellbeing—everything seems normal. And yet, every now and then, an unexpected teachable moment occurs and we gain someone else’s perspective on our situation and we grow, realizing that our normal is not so normal after all. I wonder how many people live in an unhealthy state and have never experienced a teachable moment like this? Take, for example, the mother who is under daily stress trying to handle her children’s behavior problems. Their normal day is strained by power struggles and a lack of trust and structure. Or the family whose everyday environment is one of clutter, disorganization and generally unsanitary living conditions—though unimaginable to many of us, they may view that lifestyle as the norm, never considering an alternative. Or how about the father working three jobs, missing out on family time yet still finding it hard to meet his household’s material needs—though he and his family may hate their predicament, they may think that’s just normal everyday life. And how many are living in a very blessed state, but haven’t had the opportunity to share those blessings? For example, the family with an abundance of resources, who go to church and know about God’s love and desire to relate to us—by not expanding their reach beyond their own social network, their normal life is heartbreakingly isolated. Let’s say that each of these families hears about Building Families for Children  and each one acts on the opportunity to link with the Good Samaritan Network (GSN), the “family stabilization” arm of Building Families which provides community-based services that lead families in crisis or distress to self-sufficiency and spiritual and physical well-being. What if the families in need and the families who are blessed are linked? The result? They are challenged to look at their normal lives differently and begin to make changes—to their relationships, toward their possessions, for their own wellbeing, and to consider the plans God has for them. In short, they would be challenged to grow! GSN (a) builds on strengths, (b) creates ongoing support for the family within the church and community, (c) educates both the family in crisis and those who work with them, and (d) ultimately enables those that are helped to help others. Imagine that. Just as God intended, our paths become unique, which makes the world a very special place—for the client, as well as the volunteer. So, what part of your normal is God calling you to change today? And who will God put in your life to help you make that change? Helping to build families out of love, faith and community, we are here to change normal for the better. Will you take on the challenge?