America’s Youngest Outcasts

Billy is a homeless baby boy. His mom and dad are unemployed and live in a tent in rural Maryland. With our help, Billy’s parents recently got a volunteer to temporarily house and care for him while they look for work and wait to move into a crowded shelter. Billy and...

Doing God’s Work

WESTMINSTER, Md.–Every couple of months or so, Sheryl opens the door of her hillside home to a child whose mom or dad is struggling with homelessness, joblessness or some other personal crisis. “I believe I’m doing God’s work,” she says. Sheryl is a “host mom” with...

From the Insomniac files…

After spending the evening at St. Johns, the preschool Danny is enrolled in, I have done so much thinking about him and this situation.  At 2:30am, I was still churning when it hit me that my approach really needs to change course.  The long and short of it is that I...